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Mum who saved her husband’s life shares her first Little LifeSavers experience

You may remember we shared Christie’s amazing story with you when she first signed up as a volunteer. 

Christie joined us after saving her own partner’s life with CPR when he unexpectedly collapsed at home early one morning.

She was keen to share the skills she had used so effectively on her own childhood sweetheart with young people so they could help others like she had done.

The first session

We’re delighted that Christie (far left) joined fellow Leeds volunteers Ellie and Laura to deliver her first session at St Nicholas Catholic Primary and shared the simple CPR skills session with the children.

How did it go?

Our founder Barbara caught up with Christie to see how it went.

How was your first Little Lifesavers session, Christie? Was it what you expected?

Yes it was just as I expected and I really enjoyed it. It was great to see how much the children got out of it and to meet the other ladies too. 

“Nerves have settled a bit too now my first one’s out of the way and I’m looking forward to next Monday for my second one.”

That’s brilliant Christie. Now, we remember your inspirational story of using CPR to save your partner. Can we get an update on how he is doing please?

He’s doing really well and actually went back to work on Monday!

A happy twist

We’re delighted for both you and your daughters Christie, thank you SO much for joining our charity and sharing your experience and skills so the children can benefit.

Our charity is nothing without our volunteers

People like Christie who give just a little of their time when they can, make a huge difference.

We’ve taught over 11,000 children simple CPR skills, two of whom have already saved lives using them.

Could you help us reach more young people with our free session and help create a #nationoflifesavers ? 

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